Keynote: Update on the Global Naturopathic Profession (1 hr)
- Review the global reach of naturopathic medicine / naturopathy.
- Understand the status of naturopathic education around the world.
- Outline the status of naturopathic regulation and regulatory challenges in different world regions.
- Review the research available to support naturopathic practice.
- Highlight the involvement of the World Naturopathic Federation with the World Health Organization
Learning Objectives:
- Review the global reach of naturopathic medicine / naturopathy.
- Understand the status of naturopathic education around the world.
- Outline the status of naturopathic regulation and regulatory challenges in different world regions.
- Review the research available to support naturopathic practice.
- Highlight the involvement of the World Naturopathic Federation with the World Health Organization
Naturopathic Case Analysis, Simplifying Complex Cases (3 hrs)
- Review of relevant Naturopathic Clinical Theory
- Fundamentals of Case Analysis Form
- Utilizing the Therapeutic Order to assess complex cases and create a treatment plan
- Long term management of complex cases
Learning Objectives:
- Determine where to start and components to prioritize in complex cases.
- Apply the therapeutic order to develop treatment plans for complex cases.
- Identify and treatment most common factors that complicate cases.
- Long term management of complex cases.
Dietary Reactivity and Nutrition (1.5 hrs)
- Dietary Reactivity, Evaluation of and Application in Clinical practice.
- Dietetics as cornerstone of Naturopathic Nutrition and reducing inflammatory food reactions to begin the healing process in the hierarchy of the therapeutic order.
- Approaching diet/nutrition as medicine in clinical practice
- Urinary Indican – Addressing clinical when and how. Applying Urinary Indican testing to dietary reactivity
Learning objectives:
- Understand different Naturopathic approaches to evaluating Dietary Reactivity
- Apply naturopathic nutrition in the context of the therapeutic order
- Acquire skills to apply nutrition as medicine in practice
- Demonstrate understanding of the use of urinary indican testing and how it applies to dietary reactivity
Naturopathic Assessment (1 hr)
- Thyroid/Adrenal Assessment – Clinical Evaluation/Physical Exam
- Pulse Diagnosis
- Leg Length Technique
Learning Objectives:
- Know the skills to evaluate physical signs of thyroid and adrenal function
- Understand naturopathic physical exam
- Demonstrate knowledge of Naturopathic Tongue and Pulse Diagnosis
Nature as Therapy: A Scientific Foundation (2 hrs)
Learning Objective:
- Know the history and theory underlying the preventive, restorative and therapeutic applications of Nature Therapy.
- Become familiar with relevant terms of including biophilia, shinrinyoku, ecopsychology, etc…
- Know the pathological conditions for which an Nature Therapy approach may be beneficial
- Acquire clinical knowledge & skills for utilizing Nature Therapy techniques with patients in naturopathic practice
- Recognize the current programs and policies that are incorporating these techniques
- Understand the potential for wider inclusion of this approach within the medical professions
Using the Advances in Science to Optimize Nature Cure in Practice (1 hr)
- Hydrotherapy
- Sunlight
- Physical Manipulation
- The Human Biofield
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the science that supports Hot and Cold Therapies, water applications, and traditional uses of hydrotherapy and how to apply this in practice.
- Understand the science that supports Sunlight Therapy through its effects on hormonal function, neurotransmitter production, circadian rhythms, and the clinical hormonal function, neurotransmitter production, circadian rhythms, and the clinical
- Understand the science and how to integrate simple bodywork in various forms into clinical practice for faster more powerful results
- Understand where advancing science and energy/vibrational methods intersect and how to reinterpret everything you do in terms of fields and wave
The Tenets of Nature (1.5 hrs)
Learning Objectives:
- Participants will come full circle in the NMI Core Curriculum from VG1 with Dr. James Sensenig
- Demonstrate a deeper understanding of Naturopathic Philosophy and the integration of natural law in practice
- Mastery of the definition of Naturopathic Medicine
- Understand the determinants of health, the Therapeutic Order and the principals by which we practice
- Name the three causes of disease and the 6 treatment outcomes of Vitalism
- Identify the missing piece or pieces of our understanding
- Reveal and understand the Tenets of Nature that are the cornerstone of all of Naturopathy that we hold as true.
Panel Discussion (2 hr)
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