Three-part recorded webinar series.

Whether you file insurance, ask that your patients file for themselves or are completely uninvolved in the insurance process, this webinar series is invaluable for Naturopathic Doctors. Presented by Dr. Mona Fahoum, she walks through ICD-10 coding, submitting properly coded claim forms, and can help you get the MOST reimbursement for your services.

Dr. Mona Fahoum has been practicing medicine for fifteen years in Seattle, Washington. She owns a multi-displinary practice where the patient is kept at the center of care and the focus is on using the most natural, least invasive forms of therapy possible. In addition to private practice, she is the Director of Clinical Services at the Bastyr Center for Natural Health where she works to improve clinical education of future colleagues. Her twenty plus year history in practice management, insurance CPT coding, certification in ICD-10 and employee management assist her in helping practitioners bridge the gap between the exam room and the back office. She has also served on committees for the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, is currently one of Washington’s House of Delegates representatives and is the recent Past President of the Washington Association of Naturopathic Physicians. Outside of medicine, she is a mother of two wonderful kiddos, a wife and an avid snowboarder and soccer coach.