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This course is designed to introduce the modern practitioner to the theory of Miasm, Temperament and Constitution (MTC). MTC is the brainchild of Dr. Gerard Geuniot, M.D. along with his group of physicians Dr. Franck Ledoux, Dr. Bruno Chacornac, Dr. Pierre Tondelier and Dr. Patrick Depoers. MTC is based on the homeopathic theory of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann the inventor of homeopathic medicine. This 8-week course will allow the doctor to see their patients in a new light by classify a patient according to their miasm, temperament and eventually their homeopathic constitution. The advantage of MTC is the integration of terrain and homeopathic theory to allow a more intelligent prescription for our patients no matter what symptomatic picture they present. We treat people, NOT diseases, and MTC allows one to accurately and effectively develop an advanced treatment protocol no matter what the patient presents. MTC is a new way of thinking about how we treat our modern complicated cases with knowledge and incredible success.
Wednesdays, Sept 11, 18, & 25, October 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30 (2 hours each session)
8pm ET/ 5pm PT
MTC 2 Course Outline
Week 1 (2 hours)
- Introduction to Terrain Theory and why terrain is essential to treating the modern patient 10 min
- Miasms – Psora, Sycotic, Tuberculinc, Luetic REVIEW 10 min
- Temperments – Lymphatic, Sanguine, Bilious, Nervous REVIEW 10 min
- Homeostatis Systems – Electrolytic, Metabolic, Immune, Hormonal, Circulatory, Nervous 5 min
- Psoric Miasm – Etiology and Key Points, Immunity of the Psoric, Major Remedies for the Psora 5 min
- Sycotic Miasms – Etiology and Key Points, Psychological Traits, Symptoms. Immunity of the Sycosis, Major Remedies of the Sycotic. 5 min
- Tuberculinic Miasm – 4 stages of progression, Decompensation of the Tuberculinc, How to Diagnose the Tuberculinic, Etiology, Immunity of the Tuberculinic 5 min
- Luetic Miasm – 5 Types of Problems, Immunity of the Luetic, Luetic Remedies 5min
- Specifics of Carbonic, Sanguine, Bilious and Nervous Temperaments 5min
- Temperament charts and comparisons, 5min
- Biology and Biochemistry of the Temperaments, 10 min
- Temperament and Metabolism, 5min
- Temperament and progression of age, 5min
- Biological and Psychic comparisons of the Temperaments 10 min
- Temperament according to body shape, facial signs and physical characteristics 10 min
Week 2 (2 hours) Constitutional Structure
- Stature and Posture 10 min
- The Carbonic, Phosphoric and Fluoric Individual 15 min
- Ordered Constitution vs. Disordered Constitution 15 min
- Why Stature and Posture are important, but not enough to determine the Constitutional Remedy 5 min
- The Miasmatic Remedies 75 min
- UNDA numbers according to Miasm 20 min
- The Psoric Remedies 20 min
- Psoric Drainage single remedies 35 min
- Psorinum, Aconitum, Actaea, Aesculus, Aloe, Arnica, Belladonna, Berberis, Chelidonium, China, Colocynthis, Cuprum, Hamamelis, Ledum, Magnesium Sulfuricum
Week 3 (2 hours) Miasmatic Remedies for Sycotic, Tuberculinic and Luetic Miasms
- Sycotic Drainage Single Remedies 40 min- Medorrhinum, Bovista, Helonias, Mezereum, Petroleum, Podophyllum, Rhus Tox, Spigelia, Thuya
- Tuberculinic Drainage Single Remedies 40 min – Tuberculinum, Byronia, Pulsatilla, Sanguinaria, Solidago, Taraxacum
- Luetic Drainage Single Remedies 40 min – Luesinum, Arseniucm album, Borax, Conium, Hydrastis, Hypericum, Iris Versicolor, Phytolacca
Week 4 (2 hours) – The Temperament Remedies – Essential Remedies to Balance the Patient
- Temperament Charts of all the remedies 10 min
- Temperament and Facial Shape 15 min
- Temperament and Body Shape 15 min
- The 27 Ascending Potency Remedies Summary 70 min
- Alumina, Apis, Argenticum nitricum, Arnica, Aurum Met, Baryta Carb, Calc Carb, Calc Fluor, Calc Phos, Conium, Cuprum, Gelsemium, Hypericum, Ignatia, Kali Carb, Merc Sol, Natrum Carb, Natrum Mur, Natrum Sulf, Nux Vomica, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Staphysagria, Sulfur, Thuya, Zincum Met.
- Remedies to Never use in the Ascending Potency 10 min
- Arsenicum album, Graphites, Hepar Sulf, Lycopodium, Nitric Acid
Week 5 (2 hours) – The 27 Temperment Remedies in detail 10 min each one
- Alumina, Apis, Argenticum nitricum, Arnica, Aurum Met, Baryta Carb, Calc Carb, Calc Fluor, Calc Phos, Conium, Cuprum, Gelsemium, Hypericum, Ignatia
Week 6 (2 hours) – The 27 Temperment Remedies in detail 10 min each one
- Kali Carb, Merc Sol, Natrum Carb, Natrum Mur, Natrum Sulf, Nux Vomica, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Staphysagria, Sulfur, Thuya, Zincum Met.
Week 7 (2 hours) – The Nine Gates of Life and The Carbonic Constitutional Remedies
- Nine Gates explained according to Carbonic, Phosphoric and Fluoric classification. 30 min
- Carbonic Remedies 40 min- Ammonium Carbonicum, Antimonium Crudum, Calcarea Carbonicum, Calcarea Phosphoricum, Calcarea Sulfurica, Ferrum Metallicum, Kali Bichromium, Kali Carbonicum, Magnesia Carbonicum, Natrum Carbonicum, Natrum Sulfuricum
- Carbo-Fluoric Remedies 20 min –Sulphur, Graphities
- Muriatric Remedies 30 min –Baryta Muriatica, Magnesia Muriatricum, Stannum
Week 8 (2 hours) – Constitutional Remedies of Phosphoric, Phospho-Fluoric, Phospho-Silicic and Fluoric
- Phosphoric 25 min- Causticum, Cuprum Metallicum, Ferrum Phosphoricum, Magnesia Phosphoricum, Magnesia Phosphoricum, Natrum Muriatricum, Phosphorus
- Phospho-Fluoric 10 min- Aurum Metallicum, Silicea
- Phospho-Silicic 10 min –Phosphoric Acid
- Fluoric Remedies 25 min – Alumina, Argenticum Nitricum, Arsenicum Album, Arsenicum Iodatum, Baryta Carbonica, Calcarea Fluoriucm, Mercuris Solubilis, Nitricum Acidum, Palladium
- Silicic Remedies 20 min –Iodum, Zinc Metallicum
- The Adjunctive Remedies for the Miasms and Temperaments 10 min
- The Homeopathic Adjunctive Remedies 5 min
- Classification of Remedies 5 min
- Flow Chart of Prescriptions 10 min
Learning Objectives
- Apply the 27 ascending remedies for temperament, balance, and trauma
- Describe how to integrate terrain and homeopathic theory into a treatment plan
- Classify patients according to miasm, temperament, & constitution
This course is designed to introduce the modern practitioner to the theory of Miasm, Temperament and Constitution (MTC). MTC is the brainchild of Dr. Gerard Geuniot, M.D. along with his group of physicians Dr. Franck Ledoux, Dr. Bruno Chacornac, Dr. Pierre Tondelier and Dr. Patrick Depoers. MTC is based on the homeopathic theory of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann the inventor of homeopathic medicine. This advanced 8-week course MTC 2 will allow the doctor to see their patients in a new light by classify a patient according to their miasm, temperament and eventually their homeopathic constitution. The advantage of MTC is the integration of terrain and homeopathic theory to allow a more intelligent prescription for our patients no matter what symptomatic picture they present. We treat people NOT diseases and MTC allows one to accurately and effectively develop an advanced treatment protocol no matter what the patient presents. MTC is a new way of thinking about how we treat our modern complicated cases with knowledge and incredible success. MTC 2 is an advanced course for the practitioner who has completed MTC 1 and wants to delve into a deeper understanding of the homeopathic remedies that comprise the temperament and constitutional structure of MTC.