Nutrition for Kids

The Nutrition for Kids program is being developed to impact and improve all children’s health through education and heightened nutrition focused awareness. Our goal is to provide the information and resources necessary to help children and their families to make better lifestyle choices, leading to improved health and quality of life. N4Ks will be an online learning platform focused on providing accurate, up-to-date nutrition education to children and teens in grades K through 12. The curriculum, which is grouped into age-appropriate levels (K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12), will exceed current school standards.

It seems today that both children and adults are misguided and confused about what they “should” and “shouldn’t” eat. Currently, most of us get our nutrition information from TV commercials and the Internet – daily sound bites that are incomplete, contradictory and confusing. Our children get some exposure to health and wellness initiatives through the public school system. These initiatives provide basic nutrition education and stress the importance of exercise. In addition, the Food and Nutrition departments of many school districts are headed by Registered Dietitian Nutritionists who are implementing healthier school menu options. However, the children who are benefiting from these programs have no educational support to help them understand how to make important dietary and activity choices in their own lives.

Nutrition for Kids is being developed to provide a better, more comprehensive nutritional education option for children and their families. And because we also understand that educators need reliable and accurate resources to teach nutrition, our program is being developed not only so that students can work independently through the various lessons and activities, but also to serve as a teaching platform for educators working in group settings. The Nutrition for Kids program is designed to be an ongoing, accurate and reliable source of nutrition information and lifestyle support for the community as a whole. Join and support us in our efforts to bring this much needed resource to life.

Rewards for Backers

All backers receive pre-release access!

  • Healthy Family: Pledge $54 or more and enjoy one full year of access to Nutrition for Kids online learning program. This is 50% off the normal retail price of $108/yr.
  • Healthy Neighbors: Pledge $99 or more and enjoy a full year of access for two families to Nutrition for Kids.
  • Doctors for Nutrition: Pledge $168 or more and enjoy a full year of access for your family to Nutrition for Kids. In addition we will add your name, clinic name and URL as a program supporter: Doctors for Nutrition.
  • Better Together!: For our corporate supporters – pledge $2499 or more and enjoy a full year of access to Nutrition for Kids. In addition, we will include you in our press releases and social media posts. Perfect for corporate partners, schools and home school groups.
  • Healthy Community: For our corporate supporters – pledge $4999 or more and we will include you in our press releases, social media posts and program branding. All backers will receive 6 months of access for 100 users. Perfect for companies and as a member benefit for organizations and associations.
  • It takes the whole tribe! For our corporate supporters – pledge $10,000 or more and we will include you in our press releases, social media posts and program branding. All backers will receive 1 year of access for 250 users. Perfect for companies and as a member benefit for organizations and associations.

Doctors for Nutrition

  • Dr. Ann Lee, ND, L.Ac
  • Dr Paul Theriault. BSc, ND, VNMI
  • Vital Health Publishing
  • Dr. Eli Camp, ND, DHANP

Are you a Doctor or other holistic practitioner who contributed and your name is not here? Email us.


There are many things people can do to help including pledge funds, talk to people you know who would be interested in helping, and social media sharing.

This program for all children ages K-12.

Individuals, families, schools, after school programs, community centers, libraries and more can purchase this program.

Children benefit directly however organizations will also benefit by providing this valuable service. Health practitioners can benefit by providing their patients/clients with high quality education about nutrition. Community organizations and schools will be able to offer this to their members and students. The possibilities of whom this program can reach and benefit are numerous.

This program will include age appropriate educational material to teach children about nutritional content of food, health benefits of healthy eating, food choices and preparation and how to prepare meals.

This program will be delivered in online interactive modules.

Yes. The NMI is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization.