Vital ND: Live Grand Rounds

Experience Naturopathic Medicine at its best! Join us for Grand Rounds with Senior Vitalist Naturopathic Doctors from around the world. These sessions are offered live but are also recorded and available anytime to Student and Vital Associates.

Continuing education credit for all sessions is available with the purchase of the add-on Vital ND CE Package corresponding to the current year. This session can also be purchased as a stand-alone session by both NMI and non-NMI Associates.

1.5 hrs CE, includes 1.0 hrs general and 0.5 hrs pharmacy


  • Infantile Botulism: clinical presentation and diagnostic criteria. 15 min
  • Case presentation including diagnosis and treatment. 30 min
  • Botulinum anti-toxin overview, mechanism of action and contraindications. (Pharm) 30 min
  • Case outcome 15 min


Infantile Botulism, aka Floppy Baby Syndrome, is frequently misdiagnosed, most often as a polyradiculoneuropathy (Guillain-Barre or Miller-Fisher syndrome), myasthenia gravis, or other diseases of the central nervous system, especially in the infant. This illness is characterized by hypotonia that could present as either peripheral hypotonia or central. Depending on the origin of hypotonia, the infant will present with different symptoms that ultimately have the characteristic feature of hypotonia. While there is testing available, the length of time it takes to receive the results can put infants at risk for loss of ventilatory function. This is a case presentation of a 4-month-old infant in which the diagnosis was made rapidly and treatments applied. We will discuss presenting symptoms, available tests, recommended allopathic treatments, naturopathic treatment and case outcomes.