- How to use preventative health methods
- Compare uses among senior vitalists
- Identify disease isopathy and nosodes
- Utilizing nutrient cell salts, i.e., using Ferrum phos for iron deficiency
- Recognize 25 Polychrests
- A few smaller remedies with 1-2 indications
Learning Objectives
- Demonstrate understanding of how to make and use isopathy.
- Be able to use nosodes in everyday homeopathic prescribing.
- How to use nosodes for preventative health.
- Describe each of the 12 cell salts of Schussler, and understand the “families” they belong to. Understand their primary uses with a few keynotes. Understand they are a separate system of treatment.
- Polychrests
- Describe each of the 25 polychrests and their main indications.
- Recognize when a polycrest remedy is indicated for a treatment protocol.
- Identify key characteristics within a case that can lead to a small selection of applicable polycrest remedies.
- Differentiate the specific polycrest that is indicated for each treatment protocol.
- Understand how to evaluate when to redose a polycrest remedy.
- Describe “small” remedies with their one or two indications for use. Know when and how to use them, including dosage and potency.