Showing 1–16 of 27 results
All-the-Things “Deprescribing”! with Christie Fleetwood, ND, RPh, VNMI
Asthma, Allergies, Recurrent Respiratory Infections and Deprescribing with Dr. Fleetwood
$75.00 -
Biotherapeutic Drainage with Dr. Robert Abell
Bowel Nosodes
$60.00 -
Cultural Competency for LGBTQ+ Patients in the Naturopathic Clinic
$45.00 -
Detoxification: Heavy Metals and Emunctory Organ System
$150.00 -
Dyslipidemia and Deprescribing with Dr. Fleetwood
$75.00 -
Economical Drainage with Dr. Paul Theriault
$65.00 -
GLP-1 Agonist “oh, oh, oh Ozempic!”
Homeopathic Detoxification with Dr. Holly Castle
$45.00 -
Homeopathy, Isopathy and Polycrests
$100.00 -
Iatrogenesis & Autoimmunity with Dr. Fleetwood
$75.00 -
Iatrogenesis & Skin with Dr. Fleetwood
$75.00 -
MTC-2: Miasm, Temperament and Constitution Part 2 with Robert Abell, ND, LAc, VNMI
MTC: Miasm, Temperament and Constitution with Dr. Robert Abell
$560.00 -
Pharmacy Series 2020 with Dr. Fleetwood